Common genet – Genetta genetta – Gineta

Common genet – Genetta genetta – Gineta

Genetta genetta is a small carnivorous mammal known as the common genet and Gineta in Spanish. It is native to Africa, and has been introduced to parts of Europe. It is a member of the Viverridae family, which also includes civets and meerkats. They have a slender body, short legs, and a long tail, and are usually gray or brown in color with black spots or stripes. They are primarily active at night and feed on small animals such as rodents and insects.

Common genet – Genetta genetta – Gineta
The unmistakeable tail of a Common genet – Genetta genetta – Gineta

Not native to Spain, it is considered an alien species. It is thought to have been introduced to the Mediterranean region from Maghreb as a semi-domestic animal about 1,000 to 1,500 years ago. It spread naturally from the Iberian Peninsula to the Balearic Islands and southern France. They are found mainly in the Mediterranean area, such as Cataluña, Valencia and Murcia. However, it is important to note that the population and distribution of this species in Spain is not well known, and their presence may be underestimated.

Genets are primarily solitary animals, though male and female ranges may overlap. Individuals of the same sex have exclusive territories. They are nocturnal and only rarely appear during the day so the only time you may see one are in the headlights of a car at night time on a quiet country road.

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