- Region: Castille Y leon
- Province: Zamora
- 1972 – Controlled hunting area (2,854 hectares).
- 1986 – National Game Reserve (32,549 hectares).
- 1996 – Regional hunting reserve (32,549 hectares).
- 2006 – Nature Reserve (32,541 hectares).
- 1987 – ZEPA (Special Protection Area for Birds) – 32,549 hectares.
- 1989 – RAMSAR Wetland (Protection and international importance of the lagoon complex) – 2,854 hectares.
- 1992 – SCI (Place of Community Interest) – 4,219 hectares
Villages in the area of Reserva Natural Lagunas de Villafáfila
Cañizo, Cerecinos de Campos, Manganeses de la Lampreana, Revellinos, San Agustín del Pozo, San Martín de Valderaduey, Tapioles, Villafáfila (Includes the district of Otero de Sariegos, which is entirely inside the Natural Reserve), Villalba de la Lampreana, Villárdiga and Villarrín de Campos.
Hotels in the area of the Reserva Natural Lagunas de Villafáfila
Booking.comPoints of interest
Depending on the season of the year, different birds can be observed But many people visit this area just for views of the Great bustard (Otis otis)
- September is a month in which you can see large concentrations of mallard and an abundance of grey herons from the breeding colonies.
- October is the time of passage for migratory birds such as common sandpipers and other waders.
- November is the month with the highest concentration of cranes in the reserve and the arrival of the first common geese of the season also important flocks of common sandpipers.
- In December, the common goose and the frieze duck abound, being in general a good month to observe rare ducks such as the white-faced goose and the grey-faced geese.
- In January there are the highest concentrations of goose and European wigeon
- In February the geese begin their journey to the Nordic countries. In their place the stork start to arrive from their southern wintering grounds.
- March is the beginning of the arrival of the lesser kestrels, spooonbil and it is the time of spring passage for a large number of waders such as sandpipers and plovers etc. This is also the beginning of the mating season for bustards.
- In April the bustard is still in breeding season and large concentrations of male combatants emerge in their full breeding plumage.
- May is the breeding season of the lesser kestrels, especially the colony at the church of Otero de Sariegos. Storks and avocets are also in full breeding mode.
- June is the month of the quail song in the Reserve, cattle egrets abound and the first flights of young storks.
- The heat of July makes the aquatic fauna concentrate in the few remaining wetlands. This month also gives best observations of Montagu’s harrier. The first pre-migratory concentrations of stork are beginning to appear as well.
- In August, the post-nuptial passage of sandpipers and other waders begins.
Information/Visitors Centers
Casa del Parque de las Lagunas de Villafáfila ‘El Palomar’
Ctra. Villalpando, Km. 1,5. 49136. Villafáfila. Zamora
- On the N-630 road from Zamora towards Benavente. After the town of Granja de Moreruela, take a detour to the right onto the ZA-701 road, towards La Estación de la Tabla.
- On the N-VI highway from Tordesillas towards Benavente leave the highway at Villalpando and at the exit of this town take a detour to the left towards Tapioles and Villafáfila.
This is an excellent information centre for the Lagunas de Villafáfila. There are audiovisual exhibitions, walkways, observation points etc and the place is staffed by very knowledgable guides. Well worth a visit!
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
10:30 to 14:00 and 16:00 to 19:00
Entrance price is 2 euros for adults and 1.50 for children (Children under free)
Website (only in Spanish)
On this page you will find the bird species list for the Reserva Natural Lagunas de Villafáfila.
The Grazalema Guide
The best way to see all our web projects in one place is over at the Grazalema Guide.
The Grazalema Guide – Tourist Information Portal for the Sierra de Grazalema, Wildside Holidays, The town of Ronda and the Caminito del Rey.
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain.
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