Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa violacea) Abeja azul de la maderaCarpenter Bees (Xylocopa violacea) Abeja azul de la madera

Bees and wasps in Spain

Although some bees and wasps in Spain can be a bit annoying whilst you are trying to eat out on your terrace during the summer, it is without doubt that they are an incredibly important part of the biodiversity of our world. Bees are found on every continent except for Antarctica, in every habitat on the planet that contains insect-pollinated flowering plants. There are over 16,000 known species of bees in seven recognized biological families. Some species (including honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees) live socially in colonies while some species including mason bees, carpenter bees, leafcutter bees, and sweat bees are solitary.

Bees in cave paintings
Bees and wasps in Spain
Cueva de Araña Honey collecting

Some of the oldest examples of bees in art are rock paintings in Spain which have been dated to 8,000 BC. In the Cueva de Araña in Valencia the painting depicts a human figure near a cavity where there is a beehive hanging on three lianas. He is picking up honeycombs.

The most commonly known wasps are the yellowjackets and hornets in the family Vespidae. These are referred to as “eusocial” and live together in a nest with an egg-laying queen and non-reproducing workers.

A few Bees and wasps in Spain articles
Repopulating Spain with Iberian Bees: The Smart Green Initiative

Their value and the growing concern over their decline have led to initiatives aimed at not only guaranteeing their survival but also reinforcing their presence. One such attempt is the Smart Green Bees project, developed most recently in the Montes de Malaga and other locations in Spain. Read about this project here:

The Caminito del Rey

Find tickets for the Caminito del Rey:

Wildside Holidays – Spain

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Iberia Nature Forum

Struggling with identifying those bugs and beasties? Why not check out the Iberia nature Forum!

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