January is a great month for watching Griffon Vultures repairing last year´s nests high on limestone ledges, performing beautifully synchronized flights that are a part of their courtship routines, breeding and incubating their single egg. The parents take turns at sitting on the nest and perform an almost acrobatic change-over at the nest. The cliffs where Griffons nest, or “buitreras” in Spanish, are full of activity and interest at this time of the year. See more about the Sierra de Grazalema here: https://grazalemaguide.com/blog/the-sierra-de-grazalema-natural-park/
Spanish Ibex normally roam at lower altitudes in the winter months and the alpha males are more visible as they are establishing and keeping a close eye on their harems, while the pregnant females rest in the warm winter sun.
There are plenty of exciting resident and wintering birds to see, such as the Iberian Grey Shrike, Bonelli´s Eagle, Griffon Vulture, Rock and Cirl Bunting, Blue Rock Thrush, Mistle Thrush, Black Wheatear, Ring Ouzel and Alpine Accentor.
With luck, a resident member of the largely migratory Hoopoe population can be spotted.
The spectacular bright blue and yellow Broad-leaved Iris clusters brighten up the limestone meadows along with Paperwhite Narcissus and delicate pink almond blossom begins budding and blooming at various locations of the Grazalema Park.
Ronda Today
Everything you need to know before you visit Ronda “The city of dreams” in Andalucia. https://www.rondatoday.com/
Wildside Holidays – Spain
Take a trip on the Wildside! Discover the wildlife and nature of Spain, its Natural and National Parks and find the top wildlife, activity and walking holiday companies.
I’ve been living in this lovely area of Western Andalucia for the last 20 years or so and dedicate most of my time to the running of English language tourist information websites for the towns of Cádiz, Ronda, Grazalema, the famous or infamous Caminito del Rey, and also Wildside Holidays, which promotes sustainable and eco-friendly businesses running wildlife and walking holidays in Spain.