Tag Archives: Spain Wildlife News

Preserving Spain’s Natural Paradises: Unveiling the Threats to National Parks

In the wake of a groundbreaking agreement between the Junta de Andalucía and the Spanish Government concerning the renowned Doñana National Park, a stark reality surfaces for all 16 of Spain’s ecological gems.

Despite a substantial multi million-Euro investment in Doñana, the remaining national parks in Spain grapple with a spectrum of challenges, spanning from drought and unbridled tourism to wildfires and the encroachment of invasive species.

Continue reading Preserving Spain’s Natural Paradises: Unveiling the Threats to National Parks

Wildside holidays won a web award!

Pretty good news this month in that the Wildside Holidays website has won for the category “Walking Tours of the Year – Spain” in the 2022/23 Corporate live wire Prestige Web Awards. Its nice to be recognised for sustainability and our efforts to promote environmentally walking and wildlife holidays across Spain. We get a banner for the website but most importantly a bit of press coverage and links from the relevant websites which is always good for more site traffic.

About Wildside Holidays: https://wildsideholidays.co.uk/about-wildside-holidays/

Wildside Holidays on You Tube

Recently we created a YouTube channel for Wildside Holidays as there seem to be so many people that have some fantastic nature videos. The idea is to create a catalogue of wildlife, scenery and cultural clips organized into categories such as bugs and beasties, birds, mammals, reptiles, views etc (just like the Iberia Nature Forum). These videos will point to relevant websites for more information.


If you have any clips or videos that you would like to submit, just email me or leave a comment and we’ll get it published straight away. Maybe you’ve got some videos already on facebook or other social media that could also be published on the new YouTube channel? Let me know!

Site traffic continues to grow

Last month the homepage of Wildside Holidays reached 30.000 search impressions and over 3000 clicks. When we include all of the dedicated wildlife and natural park pages we have almost reached 100,000 impressions and 10,000 clicks over the last 28 days. Content is king on the internet, it always has been and it always will be, meaning that the quality content published on Wildside Holidays is reflected in these impressive search stats.

Over at the Iberia Nature Forum there are some fascinating new topics. Why not join in?
News from the Iberia Nature Forum

Exactly how many wild boar are there in Spain?
Is there any truth ever published in the press about invasive hornet species? (Actually it was this subject that prompted the new YouTube channel…)
Fascinating history of Aurochs and Neanderthals In Huelva province

The Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC)

Thanks to Rachel over at the Iberia Nature forum for posting the link to the The Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC)….

See here: https://iberianatureforum.com/forums/topic/the-instituto-de-investigacion-en-recursos-cinegeticos-irec/

Some fascinating studies such as white stork chicks being fed from waste tips, prey size for eagle owls and how to control the overabundance of certain wildlife species in national and natural parks?

Iberia Nature Forum

Struggling with identifying those bugs and beasties? Why not check out the Iberia nature Forum!

Discover the Iberia Nature Forum – Environment, geography, nature, landscape, climate, culture, history, rural tourism and travel.

Missing Iberian Lynx in Cordoba

The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) are investigating the disappearance of Iberian lynx in the province of Córdoba after the discovery of several geolocation transmitter collars that appear to have been forcibly removed from the individuals.

In two examples the collar of “Pajaron” who was reintroduced some time ago was found in mid January in the mountainous area of Adamuz. The second transmitter is from a seven-year-old male (“Kot“) released last December between the Guadalmellato and the Cardeña-Montoro Natural Park after a two-month stay at the Life Lince breeding enter in la Olivilla in Santa Elena (Jaén). Suspiciously the second transmitter was found in February by the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS) of the Civil Guard in the Guadalquivir river close to the village of Montoro.

Searching has begun to find out if the two individuals are still alive and its important to note that it is it is practically impossible for them to lose the collars by accident or even in a territorial fight with other lynx.


As the Lynx population grows it is fairly obvious that territories will be expanded and some lynx will move into more human populated areas. This creates a conflict with livestock owners (Especially chicken) as the natural prey of the lynx still in decline (rabbit.) In fact the chicken farmers in the area of Adamuz have been complaining for a long time about this issue stating that over 800 chickens were killed or taken in a short space of time with frequent sightings of “up to 8” lynx around the village. There have even been lynx trapped and unable to escape from a coop after gaining access in order to steal a chicken.

The solutions? Well I suppose the farmers could make the chicken pens more secure. But, the habitat for the lynx is obviously not adequate as there is eveidently not enough food supply for the expanding population. Untill the issue of the rabbit population devastated by myxamotosis in the last decades is solved and the main food supply for the lynx returns to stable levels this issue between a protected species and local human inhabitants will continue.

I have always said that in any reintroduction programme for any species, the habitat (including food supply) must be created first. Whats the point in breeding and releasing animals into an area where they will almost certainly starve to death or be killed by the competition. In the case of the Iberian Lynx, whilst population numbers are still relatively low its not such an issue, but as the reintroduction programme becomes a success we will see more conflict like this.

As for the missing “Pajaron” and “Kot“? One can only assume that they were killed and the transmitters removed and thrown in the river in the hope that it would not be found.

Read more about the Iberian Lynx

Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) Lince Ibérico